Thursday, December 10, 2009

Beautiful Feet

The OR has moved to deck 6 for the sail. We have set up our personal computers to work on paperwork from this past year and also to plan for the next outreach in Togo. The OR office chairs have wheels that make it hard to focus on the computer screen. :) Also, we have windows to watch ocean waters for marine life. As you can see with the pictures below, God has shown his majestic creation to us just in the first days. This morning's coffee break on the bow, we saw a pod of killer whales pass by!

So back to work... Michel, a German nurse, and I have been here since January in Tenerife and one of the few still here from the OR. We are compiling all the central supply orders for the Benin outreach. Lots of supplies we used for surgery from 18 gage needles to sterile gowns to paper bags from Brookshires (Texas grocery store). These supplies have been used in roughly 6,800 surgeries done on the Africa Mercy this year. We are all amazed with the "numbers" and thank God for giving us the man-power to run six operating rooms. Before we closed up the OR, we washed all the shoes from the hospital locker room. It was a sight to see with all the colorful clogs in the washer! I pondered for a moment how many people came through this yea and worn these shoes? Can you guess how many? We had 253 volunteers from around the world come work for 2 weeks up to a year in the Operating Room. What a privilege it has been this year to serve together with so many people, now dear friends, with BEAUTIFUL feet!

Just one of many cycles to wash all the OR shoes!
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Romans 10:15

The best $5 I spent at Walmart- the the night before I left! They made it until the last working day in the OR.

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The views expressed here are solely mine and are not the opinion of AWC/Mercy Ships.