Monday, October 19, 2009


Today was VVF (Vesico-Vaginal Fistula) screening for the last time this year in Benin. I've picked up some local language and customs that seem to come natural after being here for nine months. One in particular, is to greet an older man as "Papa" and a woman as "Mama". So as the women came into A ward one by one with spectaular colorful dresses- I greeted each one, "Bonjour Mama, como ca va?". Most of women, have been outcasted by their own husbands and families due to them leaking urine after obstructive labor creates a hole in their bladder. So what a privledge it was to be the one to hold their hand, to talk to them like they are human, smile, hug, laugh, and pray with each one of these mamas. In the morning, most of their faces downcasted in shame, but by the end of the day I could see them coming out of their shell. We celebrated with the ones who received the 20 limited spaces of surgery and cried for the others we had to send away and could not help this time. All the ladies are on my heart tonight-Theresa, Sabine, Veronique, Lucie, Basso, and Agath... There are many more I can't remember their names, but our Heavenly Healer knows each one by name as I pray for each Mama I met today.

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