Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hu nukun

I just signed up for learning French on Rosetta Stone, but just by interacting with translators and my patients I have learned a lot of conversation and the common dialect- Fon. I had a wonderful week in the two of our operating rooms designated for eye surgery working with Dr. Glenn Strauss from Tyler, Texas. The original plan was for me to be in general surgery, but I don't mind learning new things and the change of scenery.  Dr. Glenn can do cataracts in a couple of minutes so we have four patients ready for him at all times. An important phrase we have learned is "hu nukun" which means "open your eye." It has been amazing week realizing the difference these surgeries will do for our patients- from age 4 to 84! This morning, I was able to visit the post-op clinic where the eye patches come off the day after surgery. Things are still a little blurry, but in a couple weeks there lives will be completely different! I could not get Amazing Grace out of my head all week, but I don't mind- because it applies not only to my patients, but to me!

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've loved reading your posts! Keep 'em coming!


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