Sunday, May 3, 2009

Life is...

Life is grand... as my Irish roommate would say. 
Brilliant and Lovely... as my English friends would share.
Wunderbar (wonderful)... as my German coworker would tell. 

I am truly enjoying every minute I have here on the ship and in Benin! I was OR senior nurse on-call for the first time on Saturday and we had two emergency cases.  God has prepared me for challenges and everyday life for years as I learn to rely on Him. So even working on my day-off it was a privilege to serve these patients by caring for them. So I know I haven't blogged in forever, but know life here is absolutely amazing even when its so busy! I have been in maxio-facial speciality with Dr. Gary Parker for the past month. Surgeries include repairs cleft lip & palate, removing large tumors of the face and jaw. It is amazing to see the outside transformation in patients in just a couple hours. My prayer for each of them- that the Lord will transform their hearts and healing will come after years of neglect and abuse.
When I'm not in the operating room, time off is spent with friends (from all over the world!) in the midship lounge or walking the dock watching the sunset over the Atlantic. Last night my roomie and I enjoyed a spectacular lightening storm! I also have a weekly Daniel Bible study and started teaching water aerobics using our four-feet pool on deck 8. After a busy day, I quiet down in my bottom bunk thinking of each of you at home and thanking God for the opportunity of being here in Benin.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hey girly! I am glad to hear that you are doing so well. Life on the ship sounds so exciting. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I was just telling a girl that I work with about "my friend who is on a ship doing missionary work in Africa!" I always think about how exciting it must be to be halfway around the world where you barely no anyone and you live on a boat. What an inspiration you are. Do you ever get homesick? Well, you are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. Continue to do great things and stay strong over there girly! We miss you!! :)


The views expressed here are solely mine and are not the opinion of AWC/Mercy Ships.